We have four houses each represent significant women from History.
Bronte - Red
Franklin - Blue
Johnson - Green
Curie - Yellow
At the start of a new academic year the newly appointed Head Girl Team and Sixth Form House captains chose a charity to support for the forthcoming academic year.
Each House will appoint a Teacher House Captain to support them with the organisation, leadership and management of competitions and events during the year.
All staff (except the SLT Team who remain impartial) are allocated to a House.
All Houses compete annually
The House System encompass’ as many aspects of school life as possible including: sporting, music, arts, academic and extra-curricular events and competitions.
The system is based entirely on positive experiences – point cannot be taken away for negative reasons.
Points are allocated via our SIMs systems and will be totalled every month. As a result, every two weeks House Captains/ Teacher House Captains will be responsible for managing and updating each House thermometers.
Northern Star Academies Trust is a thriving Multi Academy Trust in the North of England, comprising of 9 schools – a charitable Trust focusing on the public advancement of education for the public benefit.