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Admissions to Reception
Greatwood is a community primary school and all admissions to Greatwood are therefore handled by North Yorkshire Admissions team in Harrogate and in accordance with the North Yorkshire County Council Admissions policy. Parents are welcome to arrange a visit to the school by contacting the school office.
North Yorkshire's Education Department deals with applications for Reception admissions. If families live within North Yorkshire and have registered with a local doctor, you should automatically receive information about the admission process. NYCC prefer on-line applications and the school office can help with this if necessary.
Telephone 01609 533679 or go to School admissions | North Yorkshire Council for more information.
Once we have confirmation that a place has been offered in our Reception, parents will be invited to a transition meeting at Greatwood prior to their child starting in September, where details about the school, routines and policies will be shared with parents. Separate induction sessions will be arranged for children when they will spend some time with their class and teachers ahead of starting in September. All new starters to Reception are admitted in September of each year.
Nursery Admissions
Greatwood Community Primary and Nursery School is able to accept pupils from 3 - 11 years of age.
We are a very popular school and, as there is often a long waiting list for places, it is very helpful if you put your child's name forward as soon as you possibly can.
If your child is 3 years old, you can apply directly to school to register for a place. Before being allocated a place a home visit with the Nursery leader and practitioner will be arranged. Then nursery stay and play visit(s) will be arranged. After this the Headteacher will offer a place
Please Note: A place in Nursery does not automatically guarantee a place in school.
In Year Admissions
Applications for places at Greatwood during the school year are again dealt with by North Yorkshire County Council at or telephone the admissions team on 01609 533679
Prospective parents are welcome to contact the school office if they would like to gain more information about the school or to arrange a visit. Telephone 01756 793609 to arrange a visit.