Our School
If you have a safeguarding concern surrounding a student at Greatwood Community Primary School, please call to speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team or send us an email.
Phone Number: 01756 707600
Email: admin@greatwood.nsat.org.uk
Every year we carry out an annual Safeguarding Pupil Voice Questionnaire. This allows us to ensure that we are continuing to listen carefully to our children, but also to ensure that they feel safe at school and know who they can talk to if they are worried. With many of our children having access to online devices at home it is equally as important that our children have the skills to keep themselves safe online. Here are our September findings:
All children who we asked were confident in who they would go to.
100% of the children asked knew that the teachers kept us safe and 50% of the children asked felt that the fencing and the gates kept us safe.
The children were very clear that the staff members were here to help to keep them safe and resolved any issues quickly.
100% of the children had learned about Online safety at school.
100% of the children asked were confident that they would then tell someone else, 29% of the children asked answered Mrs Yeoman for this question.
100% of the children knew who the safeguarding team were and could name someone who they would tell.
The majority of the children could not think of anything else that we could do to improve safeguarding at Greatwood.
Here are some of the improvements that they suggested:
"There is quite a lot to keep us safe, so I cannot think of anything else."
"You could put even more locks on the doors"
"We could have even more staff"
"You could stop anyone from being mean"
"I feel safe already"
"I don't really know because it's pretty safe!"
"I don't think you could, I think that you have done everything that you can"
Any concerns about inappropriate conduct in school by members of staff or visitors must be taken to the Head of Academy or a member of the Safeguarding team immediately.
If you do not feel you can take your concern to the above people, please either:
Free, confidential advice about Whistleblowing can also be obtained from Protect: https://protect-advice.org.uk