Our School

Lessons are differentiated for all learners, including those with SEND, in order for them to access the learning at their level and make progress.

The school has access to a wide range of professionals and outside agencies that we can contact for further support and advice. If we feel that outside agency input would benefit your child then we will have a meeting in school to discuss this with you.

We have access to:

  • Speech and language therapists
  • Educational Psychologists
  • Parent Support Advisers
  • Enhanced Mainstream schools for specific learning difficulties, communication and interaction and BESD
  • Specialist teachers for hearing and visually impaired children
  • Social care
  • Looked after children workers                                       

Interventions are necessary to help children make progress. Staff who deliver focused interventions such as narrative therapy and reading intervention have all had the necessary training. As a whole school, we have refresher training for all the different areas of need. All our staff are highly trained and they are observed delivering the interventions. In doing this we can ensure that all the staff are consistent in their approach.

Any staff who feel they need more training in a specific area have the opportunity to attend relevant training sessions.

View accreditations

School Games Platinum Award - Logo
healthy schools
Eco-Schools logo
Futures Quality Mark