Welcome back, we hope you have had a lovely Summer holiday.
We are looking forward to spending lots of time over the next few weeks getting to know your children, helping them to settle in and making sure they are happy. We will be focusing our learning on Treasure Boxes for the first three weeks of term. Talking about the contents of their treasure boxes is a great way for the children to improve their speaking and listening skills, and it helps to build confidence too. We, the staff, find it a really good way of getting to know your children and what they like to do with you, their families. We will also be following your children’s interests in class and building their learning around this, we can’t wait to see what your children want to learn about. During the day, play is child led and adult interactions support and develop children’s learning. We record this learning through written observations and photographs, some of which are displayed in the classroom and on our Class Dojo page. We also create a personal learning journey book for each child which you will be able to take home at the end of the year. Alongside this, we will be asking you to contribute to your child’s learning journey, by periodically asking you for information and photographs about your child’s interests at home
Miss Carter, Mrs Bealey and Mrs Redmayne
The children and Mrs Bealey love to spend time outdoors at school. For the past year our Reception children have been successfully planting, growing and eating their own vegetables from their very own plot. Our new reception children have been clearing up the allotment patch and have planted two different types of lettuce, kale, carrots, strawberries, potatoes an some parsley.