Welcome back to the new school year! It’s great to see everyone after the summer break. I am looking forward to the coming weeks when we are going to be very busy learning about the ways we can keep healthy and finding out where food comes from. This will be our theme until October half term.
English: We will be writing stories and fact-files, along with learning spellings and regular reading practice
Maths: Our focus will be on place value, addition, and subtraction
Science: We will be learning about ways to keep healthy in the unit of work ‘Animals including Humans, Diet and Health’
Computing: The children will be learning how to create a simple spreadsheet
Geography: We will learn about where our food comes from and how it is grown
PE: The children will take part in a range of outdoor striking and fielding games. Sessions will be led by Mrs Hoggarth and a sports coach.
RE: Children will learn about different ways to care for our World and one another, they will also consider why this matters
Art: We will be learning the about light and dark tones and exploring Van Gogh’s painting ‘Harvest in Provence’
Music: we will be exploring sound and beat in music as well as singing a range of songs
PSHE: Being Me In My World
Mrs Godfrey, Mrs Hailwood and Mrs Mahila