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Welcome Back
Welcome back.
Dear Parents, A very warm welcome to Y5 children and families. I am really looking forward to our year ahead. Our staffing team includes Mrs Colley (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings) and Molly, our volunteer on Wednesday afternoons. Here is an overview of our term ahead and a reminder of how we teach English at Greatwood.
English – Reading: All children will have the opportunity to read independently every day. Reading is the focus during every second week of the three weekly cycle of: prediction, reading and writing. There will also be a half termly comprehension test. SPaG (Spelling, punctuation and grammar) Spellings are given out every Monday and tested on Friday. These will be practised in basic skills sessions too. Please help your child to revise the weekly spellings at home too. Grammar is a key part of the three weekly cycle and is a focus in every piece of writing across the curriculum. Our writing is linked to our topic. At the start of the three week cycle, the children do an unaided ‘cold write’ and the cycle finishes with a final, edited copy of their own writing in their best handwriting!
Maths – Every day, we have an hour’s maths lesson. This includes arithmetic, some direct teaching and whole class work and finally some independent written work. Every Friday, we will have a mixed times table test. Science – This term our topic is Earth and Space. It’s a fantastic topic which I’m sure the class will love. We will learn about our solar system and galaxy, night and day (time differences) and the phases of the moon.
History – We will learn about why the Anglo Saxons settled in Britain, learn how we know what we do about the Anglo-Saxons (both written evidence and artefacts) and discuss whether or not we agree with the term ‘Dark Ages’ to describe this period of history.
French – Our French topic is called Bon Apetit – just perfect for some food sampling! The unit also teaches children to describe healthy and unhealthy foods.
Computing – Our topic is coding. We will have a quick recap of units studied before moving onto our Y5 challenge.
Art – The children will be making runes and will learn about and experiment with creating illuminated lettering.
RE – Our RE topic is: Why do some people think that God exists? We will look at the views of religious and non-religious people and discuss their beliefs.
PHSE is taught across the whole school on Monday mornings. It’s a lovely, calming way to start every week. We build confidence, discuss issues and explore feelings.
PE – We have two hour-long sessions a week, Wednesday morning (swimming) and Tuesday afternoon (netball). It is absolutely vital that children have their PE kit in school and suitable shoes please. Please ensure your child is reading as often as possible and sign the PACT book to let us know that your child is reading either independently or out loud.
If you wish to speak to me about anything, please catch me after school, or, if you’d prefer to chat in private, just ring the office so that we can arrange a mutually convenient time. Class dojo will be used to keep you up to date with class news, but all communication regarding clubs, collection etc. must go through the office. I hope every single child will blossom in our care.
Mrs Clare Smurthwaite