Our shared vision for Science has been developed by the teaching staff and the children here at Greatwood.
At Greatwood Primary and Nursery School, our vision is to give children a Science curriculum which enables them to explore and discover the World around them, confidently, so that they have a deeper understanding of the World we live in. The exciting, practical and hands-on experiences which give to them here in school will encourage curiosity and questioning.
Our aim is that these stimulating and challenging experiences help children secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary.
We believe that these opportunities will ensure that our children are confident, life-long learners who will explore the World around them. |
At Greatwood each science lesson across KS1 and KS2 includes at least one of these 5 types of enquiry. Understanding the World activities in the Early Years include elements of these where appropriate. Children are supported to use their investigative skills in a variety of ways in order to raise their own questions, collect data and information and draw conclusions. This is developed through practical activities and collaborative working and discussion.
Two of our Senior Leaders; Miss Carter and Mr Finch are facilitators for the SLP. They support schools throughout EYFS, primary, secondary & FE in Science.
In March 2022 we were awarded with the STEM Learning Professional Development accreditation for our continued dedication to CPD.
Primary Science Quality Mark is not like other quality marks: it is a year-long CPD programme that helps schools to achieve a quality mark, whether science within the school has been a low profile for a while or the school wants to improve the provision further. It focuses on developing effective, confident science leadership for whole school impact on science teaching and learning.