Our School
This is designed to be used by schools to develop the range of sports a school offers as well as competitive sport. The key aim for the funding is to make sustainable changes and improvements to all staff within a school. Through training and support, it is expected that schools use the funding to ensure all children have a high standard of PE teaching throughout their time at primary school.
Through the use of the sports premium, we have successfully developed the sport provision at Greatwood. Currently, we have achieved the Youth Sports Trust Gold Mark for 2015 - 2017, School Games Gold Mark 2016 & 2017 and Platinum for 2018-19 , 2019-20 and 2021-22. In July 2019 we won the Yorkshire PE award for Increased Participation in Competitive Sport.
We have had a successful bid for £7000 which we have already spent on a daily mile track that is now embedded into our daily PESPA offer.
At Greatwood we pride ourselves on the sporting opportunities we offer all children. Not only do we ensure that teaching of P.E is good or outstanding, we ensure that a range of extra curricular activities are available for all children to access. These include lunch times and after school clubs. In addition to this, children have the chance to take part in competitive sports in all areas of sports available. We believe in being fully inclusive and encourage children with SEND to take part in sport. Finally, we spend time training older children how to be sports leaders.
The sports funding has enabled us to develop our provision of P.E even further.
It is expected that the sports premium money spending should have an impact on the following areas. These have been highlighted in the table below using the indicating number next to each point. This shows how we are covering a range of key indicators throughout school.
Following on from the publication last year highlighting the government's target of helping to reduce childhood obesity, we have developed a wide range of ways to stay active throughout the day at Greatwood. In order to help children be more active, we aim for all children to have 60 active minutes during the school day, with another 30 active minutes out of school.
We have developed a wide range of ways to stay active during the day. These include:
Ensuring that our Greatwood children receive a first class swimming curriculum is high on our priority list, living in Skipton and being surrounded by canals, rivers and reservoirs it is crucial that all of our children leave school meeting the National Curriculum Requirement. Over the past three years we have delivered double the swimming offer that we did previously, two of our staff members are qualified swimming teachers. This enables us to deliver bespoke swimming teaching to meet the individual needs of our Greatwood children. Our children attend the swimming baths for an hour a week (double the offer that we previously had in place.) They swim in a small class size of 30 with four swimming teachers, this ensures that our children make accelerated progress in all aspects of their swimming and water safety.
The impact of this can be seen clearly in the data below:
Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety | Please complete all of the below: |
What percentage of your Year 6 pupils (out of 29 children) could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year? | 86% |
What percentage of your Year 6 pupils (out of 29 children) could use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke] when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year? | 86% |
What percentage of your Year 6 pupils (out of 29 children) could perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year? | 100% |
Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way? | No |