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Curriculum overview
The purpose of our curriculum
We have designed our curriculum to help all children learn and grow together. We want children to have a strong sense of self, an understanding the wider world and their own place within it. They will be resilient and curious learners, taking a lead in their learning and supporting each other in their development. We will ensure they have high aspirations and will equip children with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed, wherever their future takes them.
How our curriculum will achieve this
For our pupils
Our curriculum will always have children at the centre. We will teach children to be independent learners who enjoy learning. We will encourage children to be curious about the world around them and follow their own interests through an experiential curriculum and a wide range of extra-curricular activities. We will support them in asking questions and developing the skills of enquiry to find answers. We will enable them to work effectively in teams, taking responsibility for themselves and each other and developing interpersonal skills. We will ensure our children develop and retain knowledge in all subjects over time through a spiral curriculum, so they are well prepared for their next stage in their education. We will regularly provide opportunities to build resilience, so they embrace challenge and take risks.
By our staff
We will sculpt our curriculum around life experiences, providing pupils with regular opportunities to go on trips, invite in visitors, and regular ‘hook’ days to give their learning real context. We will design Long and Medium Term plans to develop and secure key knowledge and skills, so pupils build up and apply their learning with increasing aptitude. We will provide a rich STEM curriculum that will drive children’s curiosity and raise aspirations. We will use assessment as a tool to support the children in understanding where they are at, and what they need to do to succeed.
Our ‘Impact’ feedback and marking policy will ensure a regular dialogue between pupils and teacher. We will use every opportunity throughout the curriculum, to encourage and support children’s reading. They will learn to value reading and that it can enrich their lives. We will develop purposeful links and themes between subjects so pupils can make meaningful connections. Teachers will have good subject knowledge, supported through effective CPD and subject leadership, so lessons are of the highest quality. Across the curriculum, ICT will engage pupils and provide them with the technological skills they need to succeed in life.
Working with our community
We will work with and support our parents to raise aspirations and enable them to help their children achieve their best. We will send out regular questionnaires to parents, pupils and staff to find out information such as what our pupils enjoy, what our community want them to learn and how we can do even better. We will collaborate closely with schools locally and across our academy trust, to develop best practice and provide the support and services our children need. We will seek out and access the best possible provision from other agencies so our pupils are safe and given the best opportunities in life.
How we will know our curriculum is effective
There will be clear evidence of strong progress in core subjects, evidenced through outcomes in statutory assessments, alongside moderated teacher assessment. Children will be able to access age appropriate texts, and will purposefully choose literature that links with their interests and learning. Throughout all subjects, pupils will demonstrate a good knowledge and application of skills for their age. Children will have strong interests in certain subjects, and follow this through beyond the curriculum engaging in extra-curricular activities. They will be highly motivated and take an active part in their learning, having good attendance and punctuality. Children will show effective learning behaviours, and have strong aspirations for their future, with their families supporting them in achieving these goals.