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Our admissions policy is based on three key aims: to serve our community; to allocate places fairly; and to promote equality. 

Holycroft Primary School and Nursery can accept children from age 3-11. If you would like to apply for a place in nursery for your 3 year old, please contact the school directly to request an application pack and arrange a visit.  

Our main school has one intake in September each year. Children usually start in the September following their fourth birthday. We can also accept children mid-year who are moving into the area or changing school, dependent on current numbers and spaces within year groups. Any parents wishing to consider Holycroft are encouraged to contact the school to arrange a visit. 

Applications should then be made through the co-ordinated school admissions scheme for the Bradford Metropolitan District Area. The application form and detailed guidance is available online at:


The application process usually runs from mid-October to mid-January and parents and carers are usually contacted by the Local Authority to confirm their school allocation by the end of April. However, please check the Bradford council website to confirm the specific timings and any other important information.  

The policy sets out how we determine the allocation of places to children in a fair and efficient way.

If we are unable to offer your child a place you have the right to appeal. You will find details of the appeals process and timeline at:


Arrange a visit

Call school to arrange a visit

Admissions policies

Admission Arrangements 2025-26

Admissions Policy 2026-27