Holycroft Primary School Statement of Mental Health and Pastoral Intent
Overarching principles and beliefs on mental health
At Holycroft, children and their families are nurtured throughout their time at the school. We believe in developing children who are caring, resilient and with emotional intelligence. Everyone works to ensure that every child is in the best place for them to learn. We recognise that the children may not have had their emotional and physical needs met and we strive to create a haven for them to thrive. We will continue to develop and support parents in both their own and their child’s learning and wellbeing.
Family… Inclusion.. Success…
Links to the whole school curriculum
The strong learning culture at Holycroft will continue to give children the tools to become self-motivated learners and demonstrate outstanding learning behaviours. Our broad and balanced curriculum fosters and encourages children’s understanding of themselves in the wider world. Our PSHE curriculum ensures that we see each other as equal individuals and work together in cooperation with trust and respect. Children are given every opportunity to develop their emotional understanding. British values are rooted in all aspects of Holycroft life. We continue to develop our knowledge and understanding of the cultural and religious differences and similarities between us all. Cross curricular links to mental health and wellbeing are embedded within our book choices in our English curriculum.
What specific areas of mental health are we addressing?
Many of our children start Holycroft significantly below age expected levels in their social and emotional development. We work tirelessly to support children and their families to gain the strategies to cope with the challenges in life. We create a sense of belonging by ensuring we build trusted relationships.
Many of our children suffer adverse childhood experiences. We work with a range of outside agencies, professionals, and our own staff team to mitigate these experiences.
Why are these areas important and what areas do we want to change?
Our aim is to provide a happy, caring, safe and stimulating environment. We will enable all children to have the freedom to make appropriate choices and to develop as rounded, confident and responsible individuals. Their childhood experiences at Holycroft will provide a foundation for them to be able to meet life’s challenges and prepare them to make their best contributions to future British and Global societies.
Identify the change we are seeking
For children to be able to fully understand their emotions they need to be able to articulate these feelings. We aim to provide children with the emotional maturity to regulate their own emotions and empathise with others.
Year 1
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Physical Health & Well Being Being Safe – Looking after yourself and others Staying active Healthy bodies |
Keeping safe and managing risk Choices of interaction Respectful and caring relationships Staying safe online and the wider world |
Healthy relationships All about me Being co-operative with others Caring friendships |
Keeping our bodies safe Personal hygiene – our bodies indoor and outdoor safety Keeping my body safe |
Mental Health & Emotional Well Being Transition 5 steps to emotional well being |
Year 2
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Physical Health & Well Being Eating well Importance of sleep, physical activity and rest Who and what keeps us healthy and well? |
Keeping our bodies safe Similarities and differences between people Personal hygiene – our body Being entitled to privacy |
Mental health and emotional well being 5 steps to emotional well being Making positive caring relationships Solving problems that may arise in friendship |
Keeping safe and managing risk Indoor and outdoor safety Road safety Online safety |
Healthy Relationships Respecting others even when they are different to them Healthy friendships Characteristics of a healthy family life |
Mental Health & Emotional Well Being Transition 5 steps to emotional well being |
Year 3
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Physical Health & Emotional Well Being Celebrating achievements and setting goals Making mistakes and next steps 5 steps to emotional well being |
Keeping safe and managing risk Who can help us if we’re at risk? Different types of bullying e.g. cyber bullying etc. What to do if you witness bullying – see it, say it, stop it |
Healthy relationships Characteristics in positive relationships Stereotypes in society Boundaries in relationships |
Keeping our bodies safe Personal hygiene Me and medicine My body belongs to me |
Physical Health & Well Being Importance of people who help us to stay healthy Importance of hygiene routines Regular exercise in daily routines Healthy eating Risks associated with inactive lifestyle |
Mental Health & Emotional Well Being Transition 5 steps to emotional well being |
Year 4
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Physical Health & Well Being Food choices (cultural/personal preferences) Healthy lifestyle Personal hygiene – strategies to manage this |
Keeping safe and managing risk Online safety, e.g. gaming habits Risks around us (outdoor) Road safety |
Healthy relationships Growing up and changing bodies Emotions and handling behaviour Self-respect and respecting others with relationships |
Keeping our bodies safe Trusted relationships around us Appropriate and inappropriate contact Encouraging unknown people around us in everyday life |
Keeping safe and managing risk Dental health and benefits of good oral hygiene Concepts of basic first aid, e.g. dealing with common injuries |
Mental Health & Emotional Well Being Transition 5 steps to emotional well being |
Year 5
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Physical Health & Well Being Positive and negative impacts on a healthy/unhealthy lifestyle Self image and the media Positive role models |
Mental health and emotional well being 5 steps to emotional well being Stereotypes, discrimination and prejudice in all forms Everybody has a choice |
Keeping safe and managing risk Drugs and alcohol (community safety) Online safety Acceptable and unacceptable behaviour within relationships |
Healthy relationships Puberty and changing emotions Characteristics in positive relationships Stable, caring relationships in all forms |
Keeping our bodies safe Personal hygiene and germs, how viruses are spread and treated. Risks of smoking The media and other influences |
Mental Health & Emotional Well Being Transition 5 steps to emotional well being |
Year 6
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Physical Health & Well Being Personal hygiene as we grow older Adopting an active lifestyle Healthy habits |
Healthy relationships Changing bodies through puberty and keeping our bodies safe Mutual respect and friendship within relationships Marriage How to recognise when relationships are making them feel unhappy or unsafe |
Managing risk Weighing up risk and peer pressure Increasing independence and consequences of actions Online safety and social media |
Keeping our bodies safe Drugs, alcohol and tobacco Trusted adults around us online (radicalisation) Online profile |
Raising Aspirations Project Careers, economic well being, jobs, budgeting Online safety/personal presentations |
Raising Aspirations Project Transition & transition projects |